Captain's Log 2.1.7 Released for ED 3.0

CMDR Genar_Hofoen

Feb. 23, 2018

Headline New Features

- Latitude & Longitude Bookmarking System!

- Bookmark as many lat/lon coords as you want per landable planet

- recall lat/lon bookmarks for a planet

- set a bookmarked lat/lon location as a target location

- edit a saved lat/lon bookmark

- delete a lat/lon bookmark

- instantly add your current lat/lon location as a bookmark, either by clicking an icon on the NAV section of the overlay, or from the Bearing & Distance panel on the main CL2 window. You can then edit this instant bookmark and edit the note.

- instant-added lat/lon bookmarks have the date and time the bookmark was created, added into the note field

- manually add a lat/lon bookmark

- CL2's Planet Table has a new Lat/Lon bookmark icon on the same row as a planet, indicating there is or are lat/lon bookmarks for that body

- updated NAV section on the overlay

- overlay NAV will get you to your target lat/lon location

- overlay NAV works in real time

- overlay NAV realtime target bearing, target distance, and direction arrow indicators

- overlay NAV distance to target accounts for whether you are in flight (distance to target is flight distance taking altitude as a factor), or driving on a planet surface in an SRV (ground distance to target).

- overlay layout reorganised

- overlay automatic hiding when docked


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Captain's Log 2.1.7

- Added a StatusParser class, which enables Captain's Log 2 to read and use ED 3.0's new Status.json file
- Added LatLonHeading and HasLatLon signals to StatusParser.
- StatusParser runs in a background thread, which starts and stops if the game is running or not
- Changed the layout of the Bearing & Distance Calculator widget, and added some instructions to it
- Added a NAV frame to the Overlay, which displays if a target LAT/LON has been entered into the Bearing&Distance Calculator and if the ship is in Orbital Cruise, Planetary Flight, or if the user is in an SRV.
- The NAV frame and the Bearing&Distance widget get the player's vehicle's current LAT/LON position updated in real time from the StatusParser
- created and added new direction indicator icons for the NAV overlay
- overlay now indicates which direction the ship should head in in order to reach its target LAT/LON
- StatusParser now detects the Docked status
- made StatusParser DRY
- Overlay now disappears when Docked and reappears after undocking.
- Bearing widget now displays distance to target lat/lon taking ship's altitude into account, when in Flight or Orbital Cruise. When landed or driving SRV, distance shown is ground lat/lon to ground lat/lon.
- refactored a lot of the Bearing widget's code
- You can now click on the Overlay from just about anywhere and drag it to another screen position
- removed the now redundant click-and-drag blob from the overlay widget
- fixed a couple of things in the StatusParser
- Changed the layout of the Overlay widget. Current system name now on the top left hand corner, "Distance to <system>" shortened, "Odometer" shortened to "Odo", made sure NAV indication arrows are in the centre of the overlay widget.
- Added being able to enter your target lat/lon to the overlay widget. Enter LAT, press return, the cursor will automatically jump to the LON.
- Added indication of the LAT/LON input validation checks. Green == lat or lon figure is valid. Red == invalid lat or lon entry.
- Removed the now practically redundant overlay version of the Bearing widget. If you still need to access it, call up the CL2 main window and access it from there.
- attempt to fix an apparent bug in the ConfigFile handler which hopefully fixes saving of a corrupted Captainslog2.INI file.
- Added a latlonbookmarks table to the GALAXY DB schema
- Created a migration script for the latlonbookmarks table; GALAXY.DB will automatically be migrated to the new schema (i.e. the new table will be added if it doesn't already exist)
- Created a Lat/Lon Bookmarks UI
- Adjusted the layout of the Overlay widget to accommodate Current Lat/Lon display and a couple of related and new Lat/Lon Bookmarking icons (still to be created)
- created the necessary UI compilation batch file and added it to the global setup.bat file used to compile all UI's
- Created a Nav bookmark icon
- Created a Bookmark Current Location icon
- Added icons to Overlay and LatLonBookmarks widgets
- Added a LatLonBookmarksWidget class
- Added the LatLonBookmarksWidget class to the PlanetTableWidget class
- Added a Lat/Lon BookMark column to the Planet Table Widget. Any planets with Lat/Lon coordinates bookmarked will have an icon appear in this  "Nav" column
- Added the setting of the preference colours of the Nav widget
- Saves current lat/lon coords to a bookmarks table for a specific planet/moon
- Can copy a bookmarked lat/lon + note to the clipboard
- Can delete a bookmarked lat/lon
- set the stylesheet of the current lat/lon indicator added to the overlay
- added some lat/lon bookmark specific code to the Bearing Widget
- added a DB migration script which adds the lat/lon bookmarks table and a haslatlonbookmarks column to the SystemPlanet table of the GALAXY db
- added the necessary lat/lon bookmark signalling to the main CL2 class
- added a bit of leeway (+- 0.08 degrees) for the "forward" indicator icon on the overlay, in the direction_decider function
- make sure we're in overlay mode when deciding whether to display/hide the overlay if undocked/docked
- ask for separate DB sessions for various functions which require a DB session
- turn some existing code into a reusable get_body_id() function as some new functions need to use the same functionality
- added various signal handlers relevant to lat/lon bookmarks to the main CL2 class
- added a Manually Add Lat/Lon Bookmark Widget
- you can manually type in a lat/lon and a short note
- recalculate heading & distance if a target lat/lon has been set, this will update distance and bearing
- change add_bookmark (lat/lon) to add a note if one has been supplied. This will be added after the automatic timestamp.
- set the NAV frame on the overlay visble or invisible depending on if lat/lon coordinates are available during flight near a planet, or on a planet.
- added the necessary signals and handlers for manually adding lat/lon coord bookmarks with notes
- refresh the planet table if all bookmarks for a planet have been removed and hence removing the indicator icon from the table
- in certain cases whilst refreshing the planet table, re-select the same row (planet) as previously
- BUGFIX : make sure a planet table row is selected in any case - don't have that depend on if a system has planets with value in them.
- refresh the lat/lon bookmarks table after adding a bookmark to it
- add the necessary stylesheet setting for all widgets in the new Manual Add Lat/Lon Bookmark Widget
- changed lat/lon bookmark note column to have 120 characters, from 40
- added an Edit Lat/Lon bookmark Widget
- added the necessary signalling and handling and GUI code needed for editing a bookmarked lat/lon
- Bearing Widget appears if a target lat/lon has been set from a lat/lon bookmark
- set lat/lon bookmark note entry form font to Sintony 12
- Get rid of the recently added and used pyperclip package, which was causing the Captain's Log build to no longer work.
- Exorcise the pyperclip demon from my system. This house is safe!
- Use the Qt4 clipboard functionality to copy stuff to the clipboard, instead. Should have done this from the start.
- Give the planet table widget its own db session to work with, rather than share with others.
- Similarly with most other functions() in the main CL2 class - give 'em individual db sessions as and when required, and remember to close the DB sessions!
- altered some of the session logic on a few functions to not be so silly. I mean, who wrote this stuff!?
- FSD/Jumponium recipes altered as per the new ED 3.0 synthesis materials requirements.
- set the BookmarkCurrentLatLon icon in the Overlay to never get focus - this should prevent spurious lat/lon bookmarks being added if a user is typing a target lat/lon into the overlay.
- removed unneeded eventFilter from the ManuallyAddLLBMWidget, as a <return> can now be directly detected by way of the QtLineEdit used for bookmark notes.
- remove increasing sleep() delay in journalparser thread loop and replace with just a straightforward time.sleep() (I think this was causing an eventual hang in CL2 if CL2 was left idling for a while)
- add Body parameter parsing to the Journal's Location event in the Journal Parser
- issue the 'fake' FSDJump event signal before the journalLocation signal, in the JournalParser
- receive the Body name from the JournalParser journalLocation signal and call the select_planet_in-Planet_table() function - this means that if you are starting the game and you are at a planet, CL2 will auto-select the planet in the Planet Table.
- Version bumped to 2.1.7

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