Captain's Log 2.1.0 "The Return Of Gravitas?" Released

CMDR Genar_Hofoen

Sept. 22, 2017

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Changelogs : 

Version 2.1.0

- Now actually stores Axial Tilt values.
- Now displays Axial Tilt if that figure is available
- If importing and scanning all Journal files, update axial tilt values for planets with existing records and if Axial Tilt figures are available in the Journal file for that planet.
- Moved entire toolset from Python 3.4 to Python 3.5
- Changed landable planet icon from SVG to PNG as it was causing a crash
- Added beginnings of a statistics widget
- Added the necessary UI build scripts for stats widget
- Save EDSM database system count to config file for fast restart
- Read EDSM database system count from config file if it exists
- Only update config file EDSM db system count after an import
- Increase nightly dump download update refresh delay a little bit
- replaced human readable filesize library with in-app solution
- remove unused variables from journalparser
- remove confusing/unused duplicate of edsm function file
- Added beginnings of statswidget function
- Moved legacy stats variables from CL2 main code to stats module, renamed
- Added star & planet value formulae from MattG's forum post as functions.
- Removed some unnecessary (legacy) code.
- ValueFormula class removed from widget file & moved to its own file
- Planet Info Widget now shows estimated planet value
- Import & setup StatsWidget in main Captain's Log code
- Added a check during load of mainwindow X/Y coords and set to zero if out of bounds.
- If systray icon 'Reset Window Position' used, save coords.
- Added a .spec for pyinstaller
- No longer using cxfreeze, using pyinstaller instead. build.bat altered.
- Bodytype in planet formula now compares to lowercase string for use by other parts of the program.
- Total worth of planets calculated during planet table population
- Total worth of star calculated during star table population
- Total values returned to mainwindow code and added up
- Formatted values with commas for display
- Added estimated star value
- Added total estimated system value to info panel
- Total estimated value + title visible if total > 0
- ValueFormulae return a rounded up integer.
- Altered default star value in same style as default planet value
- Removed unnecessary k = 720 because k already is 720 by default.
- Changed the dimensions of the Overlay Widget
- Altered the layout of the Overlay Widget
- Moved Jumponium & AFMU indicator widgets
- Added Estimated System Value to Overlay Widget
- Added total value column to galaxy table.
- Added Axial Tilt to System Star table.
- JournalParser StarNoRings/Rings signal now one generic function (DRY)
- v2DBInterface adding Stars now 1 generic function (DRY)
- v2DBInterface Stars are now either added or modified if record exists
- Added Axial Tilt to StarInfoWidget panel
- Total estimated value for system stored in database, for statistics
- Make sure Axial Tilt is displayed if not None.
- Tell StarInfoWidget the Axial Tilt for display, if available.
- Remove extraneous txt variable
- Added Luminosity to SystemStar table.
- Corrected value in value formula
- Added Luminosity to parser and db interface
- Added Luminosity to star info widget
- Added GUI refresh forcing to various places in order to prevent CL2 GUI 'freezing' whilst adding a bulk load of star/planet data from a nav beacon scan.
- Further tuning of the journal parser
- Added a navbeacondata flag to GALAXY db table
- Added migration script
- Added preliminary work for upcoming NavBeaconScan event
- Removed two unnecessary signal emits from journalparser
- CL2 now shows total trip estimated value.
- Total estimated value ignores navbeacon scanned systems
- Added various navbeacon and value functions to DBInterface code
- Don't get EDSM nightly dump filesize when starting Captain's Log.
- Make getting EDSM nightly dump filesize WAY more resilient.
- Do not try to download nightly dump if EDSM appears to be down.
- Added code to deal with NavBeaconScan.
- If NavBeaconScan, don't update/refresh GUI until expected number of stars/planets have been processed by JournalParser/DBInterface.
- Update/Refresh GUI only when last star or planet has been processed.
- ValueFormula : White Dwarfs have a 'D' in their class, not a 'W'
- ConfigurationManager : live journal = 'Journal*', beta = 'JournalBeta*'
- When switching trip DB's, clear estimated system & calc tot. trip values
- Hotkey class : no need to check if running on Windows because we are.
- Created a RingWidget, to be used for star/planet rings/belts
- Show planet rings if it has them
- Fixed a bug where click signal for planet table was firing twice.
- Added star ring/belt data retrieval function in DBInterface.
- Removed DB id from ring dict in planet ring retrieval function.
- When star or planet selected, also retrieve and send ring data to relevant InfoPanel widget.
- Star Info Panel now shows either ring system or asteroid belts info.
- Star Ring data shows mass in moon (Lunar) masses.
- Star Asteroid Belt data shows mass in Megatonnes.
- Planet ring data now shows mass of rings in Megatonnes.
- Set stylesheets for ring widgets.
- Fixed a bug where clicking on the Star table called handler twice.
- Moved all ring info processing into 1 function (DRY).
- Ring/Belt inner and outer radius added.
- Corrected import journals function to point to new 'DRY' star add/modify
- Added new signals and counters to JournalParser for nav beacon scans
- Taught JournalParser to count but ignore Belt Clusters in Navbeacon scan
- Added a NavBeaconScanWidget for indicating we're chewing over such scans
- Added a function in DBInterface to mark a system as being navscan data
- Removed old non-DRY 'add star/add star+rings' functions from DBInterface
- Keep track of a system name highlighted on the Trip Jump table
- Added handling functions for various NavBeaconScan signals
- Added Icon Clicked signals to AMFUWidget.
- Reduced AMFUWidget flash count to 1, from 3, makes GUI response crisper.
- Added Icon Clicked signal to JumponiumWidget.
- Reduced JumponiumWidget flash count to 1, makes GUI response crisper.
- Added new System Materials Widget
- When loading a new Trip DB, refresh the global DBInterface.
- When loading a new Trip DB, refresh the GUI in the right order.
- Added stylesheets to SystemMaterialsWidget.
- Added populating of top two planets with relevant FSD Boost material % to SystemMaterialsWidget.
- Added SystemMaterialsWidget into application.
- Relevant Info panels/widgets display when relevant app areas clicked.
- Clicking on J1, J2, or J3 FSD Boost Mats indicator displays the SystemMaterials widget/panel.
- Added clicked signals to AFMU indicator icons.
- Added 5th Material listing labels to SystemMaterialWidget.
- Added display of AFMU Refill materials to SystemMaterialWidget panel by way of clicking on the relevant A1, A2, A3 AFMU Refill icons, which will show which 2 top planets in that system have the highest % of the relevant material.
- Ensure SystemMaterialsWidget set invisible when a trip jump entry has been selected.
- Send isnavbeacondata signal to PlanetInfoWidget.
- PlanetinfoWidget will say "Nav Beacon Data" instead of estimated value of planet, if system data was obtained via nav beacon scan.
- Added SRV Refuel Widget.
- Created new icons for Basic, Standard, and Premium synthesis.
- Mats widgets now use new icons for Basic, Standard, Premium synthesis.
- Added new synthesis icons to repository.
- Corrected from 'SRV Repair' to the more accurate 'SRV Refuel' ;)
- Make the AFMURefill function use the generic synth widget.
- Make the Jumponium function use the generic synth widget.
- Delete obsoleted Jumponium & AFMURefill widgets.
- Make sure to set synth widget titles.
- Converting Info Panel into a self-contained class and widget.
- SRV Repair Synth Widget and handling logic added.
- System Synth Materials Widget shows quantity of mats required per recipe
- Add mat quantities to all synth recipes.
- Added 6th material to SystemMaterialsWidget
- Re-designed total trip value calculation database query, because sqlite has a limit of 999 query values, which is useless when number of jumps in a trip goes over that figure.
- Converted total trip value calculation into a thread, which will start running after trip DB has loaded.
- Total trip value is now its own python class/QObject.
- Total trip value calculation will update in realtime as it progresses.
- Added further support for LoadGame journal event.
- Added functions to display/hide various panels where relevant.
- Ensure System Mats widget, when called, gets set visible and the other panels get set invisible.
- Ensure total trip value gets updated when (non-Nav beacon) scan happens.
- Add parsing of Raw Materials from Journal to JournalParser.
- Add indication of quantity of raw material help by CMDR for each raw material required for a synthesis recipe.
- Initialise and update each count of a raw material a CMDR character holds, from the Player Journal data generated when a game is started.
- For each synthesis recipe and for each raw material in that recipe, send the raw material quantity held by the CMDR to the display panel.
- Added RawMaterialCollected signal to JournalParser.
- Added parsing of Raw Material collection to JournalParser.
- Keep track of which synthesis recipe is active.
- When collecting a raw material, add quantity collected to current count.
- Update display of stored raw materials after collection.
- ConfigFile class now holds the master raw materials quantities.
- ConfigFile class now loads and saves raw material quantities (i.e. the CMDR's raw materials quantities are loaded/saved from/to the INI file.)
- [Raw Materials] section added to INI file.
- Mainwindow code now refers to ConfigFile for raw materials counts.
- Reduced amount of code needed to initialise raw materials counts.
- Raw materials counts get saved whenever a material is collected.
- Added MaterialsUsed signal to JournalParser.
- MaterialsUsed signal triggered by Synthesis and MaterialDiscarded events
- Decrement CMDR materials when used, save to INI when this happens.
- Update materials counts in GUI when materials used.
- Include CommodityReward from MissionCompleted event in consideration of whether raw materials are collected by CMDR, in the JournalParser.
- Include the Ingredients list in the EngineerCraft event when considering if raw materials have been consumed by the CMDR, in the JournalParser.
- Added some code commenting and rename a variable to make more sense
- Added suitable Inno Setup file for creating install package due to new use of PyInstaller to create an application distribution.
- Some more adjustments to inno setup configuration
- Disabled an added Status panel for now - feature incomplete and will expand upon next release.
- Try to get the CL2 logo font to be consistent.
- Tell StarInfoWidget if system data is from Nav Beacon Scan
- If Star data is from nav beacon scan, say so, else display estimated star value.
- Captain's Log 2 version number bumped to 2.1.0

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